Millions of Georgians rely on Medicaid to stay healthy. If you are one of them, you should know that the state is currently reviewing the continued eligibility of every Medicaid and PeachCare for Kids ® member, as it does every 12 months. This review process is called Medicaid redetermination and to keep your eligibility, you should respond in a timely manner to requests for information.
Your redetermination process will begin when you receive a letter in the mail, or an e-mail about 45 days before your redetermination deadline. You’ll also receive a reminder about 15 days before your deadline.
Redetermination for Medicaid and PeachCare for Kids® began in April 2023. Based on changes in federal law, the State of Georgia must complete redeterminations by May 2024 to ensure current Medicaid and PeachCare for Kids® members are still eligible for coverage.
During redetermination, the State will collect and verify member information, including contact and income details as well as other requested information and documents that will be used to determine member eligibility. Not everyone will go through this process at the same time. In fact, it will take about 14 months to reach everyone.
Members can visit to view their redetermination date and to update their contact information today so they can stay informed about the status of their coverage.
Members who need help can visit their local Division of Family & Children Services office for support. To find the location and business hours for local offices, visit:
For more information on Medicaid redetermination, we are including a partner toolkit with resources in multiple languages. Or, you can visit “Stay Informed. Stay Covered.”
If help is needed reading this information or communicating with us, call 1-877-GA-DHS-GO (1-877-423-4746). Our services, including interpreters, are free. If a member is deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, or have difficulty speaking, they may call us at the number above by dialing 711 (Georgia Relay).