Earlier this month, ARC’s Aging and Independence Services Provider Network team hosted its first Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) retreat in about eight years with county senior services partners. The Provider Network team meets virtually with HCBS providers every two months for a network meeting where they update each other about changes to policies and personnel.
This in-person meeting was held at the Atlanta History Center and included networking over breakfast, ice breakers and trivia, and more. It ended with admission to the museum for those interested in learning more about Atlanta’s history.
The guest speaker was Jackson Rainer, Ph.D., ABPP, Board Certified Clinical Psychologist. Dr. Rainer shared a presentation called “Getting Older Everyday: Solo Aging – Staying Connected, Fighting Loneliness.” This presentation covered topics such as living alone, companionship, and coping. Attendees enjoyed hearing his candid and sometimes funny personal experiences with solo aging.
Some of the comments from attendees include, “Everything was outstanding! The ARC Provider Network team was amazing,” and “The retreat was very helpful and informative. The networking aspect proved very useful.”
Thank you to the Aging and Independence team for their hard work on a great event full of fellowship, networking, and great resources.