ARC Announces Public Hearings for Fiscal Year 2026

Please join the Atlanta Regional Commission for two virtual public hearings on October 29th. First, there will be the Area Plan on Aging Hearing, held from 11:00am-12:30pm. Next, there will be a Direct Services Hearing from 12:30pm-1:30pm.

The Area Plan on Aging is a guiding document for strategic efforts and funding decisions made by the Atlanta Area Agency on Aging. Direct Services include telephone reassurance, behavioral health coaching, chronic disease self-management education programs, and more. Join these hearings to share your priorities and hopes for these efforts!

The links to register are here: Area Plan Hearing & Direct Services Hearing.

Arin Yost

Arin is a Program Analyst at the Atlanta Regional Commission, where his work focuses on health disparities and equity across the Atlanta region.