Downloading Free eBooks from Your Library

Download Free eBooks Directly from Your County Library’s Website

Did you know that free downloadable books are available to you with a valid library card in your county of residence?

  • 24/7 access from your home computer or smartphone Older Woman Reading on her Tablet
  • You never need to leave your home
  • Most loans are 14-21 days
  • Most library systems will alert you several days before your loan expires via email or text
  • The eBook will simply disappear from your reading device – no need to go to the library
  • A tutorial may be available online to guide you or search topics under the “Help” tab
  • Search for books by an author’s name, a book title, a keyword or subject
  • eReaders can enlarge the print for easier reading
  • No worry about handling a book touched by others
  • Newspapers and magazines may be available on these sites as well

Shelves of Books at a Library

Please visit the website for your county for further details:

Cherokee County:

Clayton County:

Cobb County Public Library – eBooks, eAudios, Digital Magazines

Dekalb County:

Douglas & Rockdale Counties:

(Choose “ebook” in the “Limit to:” pulldown menu)

Fayette County:

Fulton County:

Gwinnett County:

Henry County:

Allison Davis

Allison Davis has been with Aging and Independence Services at the Atlanta Regional Commission since 2012. She currently assists with Monitoring and Evaluation of providers in the Metro Atlanta area who receive Older Americans Act funding. Allison is a native Atlantan and currently resides in the city of Milton.